Keeping Your Pet Safe This Holiday Season
Keeping Your Pet Safe This Holiday Season
Here are some tips to keep your pet safe during the holidays from your local doggy daycare:
Cats and dogs have been known to knock over trees, a problem that can lead to fire hazards, broken belongings, and injured pets. Pine needles and sap can injure a cat’s mouth if chewed on. Some live trees are pretreated with preservatives that can contaminate the tree’s water. For this reason, you should take precautions to prevent your pets from drinking the water in the tree stand. Cover the water tray with aluminum foil and then a tree skirt to help keep your pets safe.
For these reasons, it’s best not to leave your pets alone in the room with your Christmas tree.
Some dogs and cats will chew on and swallow tinsel or ribbon if given the opportunity. Swallowing the ribbon or tinsel has the potential of causing intestinal blockage. Be careful of your pets chewing on lights or cords and getting an electrical shock. Imitation snow, which is also called flocking, can be hazardous to pets if ingested. Any decorations that have real mistletoe or holly berries can be toxic to pets if eaten, and the same goes for bulb plants like lilies, narcissus, tulips, and amaryllis. You should avoid using any ornaments that have pins or are made of glass, as these can injure pets if they were to chew on them. Finally, be cautious when using candles, as the flames can harm pets or lead to fires if knocked over.