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Get to Know Dr. David Reed

Dr. Dave’s Grooming and Boarding Day Care offers a wide range of services to help you give your animals the best care. From dog boarding to grooming to doggy daycare in San Jose, we can help you keep your animals happy and healthy. Our dedicated staff works tirelessly to provide the best kind of environment for all of our clients and their pets. Keep reading to learn about Dr. David Reed.

Dr. Reed grew up on a farm in Illinois and has loved animals since his childhood. He graduated from the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine in 1972 and soon after moved to the Bay Area, where he has been practicing for over 30 years. He enjoys working with the community, including setting up low cost vaccination clinics, working with county spay and neuter programs, and working with the Santa Clara County Sheriff K9 Unit. He considers working with the amazing police dogs some of his most rewarding work. Recently, “Dr. Dave” was voted one of the Bay Area’s Best Veterinarians, along with Dr. Dave’s Doggie Daycare as one of the Best Doggie Daycares, in Bay Woof Magazine’s Beast of the Bay Awards.

With the dedicated attention of Dr. Reed right next door, you can be sure that we offer safe care for pets. He is available 24/7 should any medical situation arise. Just ask Mason, a wonderful Bernese Mountain dog who began vomiting and refusing to eat while at Dr. Dave’s. Our staff quickly recognized the symptoms and transferred him to Reed Animal Hospital for an evaluation. He was stabilized and then transferred to the United Emergency Animal Clinic of Campbell for intensive care, where they discovered an obstruction in Mason’s small intestine – a small stuffed toy. Thankfully, Mason made it through surgery and is on the road to recovery. Our staff’s quick reaction, our synergy with Reed Animal Hospital, and the talented surgeons at United Emergency together saved Mason’s life! Whether you are looking for a cat hotel, pet grooming, or pet boarding near San Jose, Dr. Reed is here to ensure that your pets always have the proper care that they need.
Dr. David Reed, the Veterinarian at Dr. Dave's Doggy Daycare