How Your Pet Benefits from Doggy Day Care
If you work long hours, or are away from home for most of the day, leaving your pet alone in your San Jose…
Advice for Boarding Your Dog for the Holidays
If you are planning on boarding your dog while you are away for the holidays, it is never too soon to…
Busting Myths About Pet Grooming
Anyone who has ever owned a pet knows that there is more responsibility in pet ownership than most people might…
A Look at the Health Benefits of Pumpkin for Dogs
Pumpkins may be on our minds more often than usual during the holiday season, but the health…
Boarding Pets with Special Needs
When you take your pet to a kennel in San Jose, you can rest assured that his needs will be attended to by a…
Advice for Preparing Your Pet for Boarding
Most pet owners, at some point, will need to find a place for their pets to stay while they are away from…
Signs Day Care Is Right for Your Dog
If you are a proud dog owner who works during the day, you may have wondered if you should seek out doggy day…
Answering Common Questions on Cat Grooming
Regular visits to a grooming specialist for cat grooming near San Jose is crucial for maintaining your…
Keep Your Pet Occupied with Doggy Day Care
Dogs are intensely social creatures and they crave and require a lot of attention during the day. If your…
Caring for Your Cat’s Eyes, Nose, and Ears
Even though your cat bathes itself, it’s still necessary to bring him into a cat hotel pet grooming…