Social Benefits of Daycare for Your Pooch
Social Benefits of Daycare for Your Pooch
The dog park can play a role in socializing your pet, but with busy schedules, it sometimes makes it hard to get there. That’s where we come into play! With Doggy Daycare, your dog gets to enjoy mental and physical stimulation with both the trained kennel staff and other dogs.
Socializing is very important for the mental growth of your pack member. During their youth, the mother is normally the one to teach them acceptable and unacceptable ways of play and communication. But with puppy mills and shelters, that’s no longer the case. But don’t fret! An old dog can learn new tricks and a dog that’s never been socialized CAN become a pack member. Putting them in a positive and safe environment is the key to setting them up for success.
At Dr. Dave’s Doggy Daycare, Boarding and Grooming, we have developed an in-depth evaluation process that starts at the door. Pet parents are asked to fill out what we call a Pooch Profile. This is a series of questions that range from food allergies, dog dislikes, and likes to how long you’ve owned them.