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The Benefits of Going Green for Your Pet

Humans aren’t the only ones who can benefit from adopting environmentally friendly practices. Your pet also receives benefits when you go green! At Dr. Dave’s Doggy Daycare, Boarding & Grooming, our pet hotel in San Jose is committed to providing a green environment for your 4-legged family member.

If you choose cat or dog boarding at Dr. Dave’s, you can feel confident in the cleanliness of our facility. Rather than using potentially damaging chemical cleaning products, Dr. Dave’s relies on high-temperature steam cleaning that is 100% hypoallergenic and environmentally sound. The use of steam means we can reach every corner, nook, and cranny of our facility each day, so your pets stay in the cleanest possible environment. Dr. Dave’s use of steam instead of chemicals in our dog boarding facility reduces potential skin reactions and respiratory allergies caused by cleaning products. Learn more about our facility and what makes us different by contacting us with your questions.

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