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The Dr. Dave’s Doggy Day Care Difference

At Dr. Dave’s Grooming and Boarding Day Care, we have more than 30 years of experience taking care of pets of all sizes, ages, temperaments, and types. Our doggy daycare in San Jose allows dog owners to provide their dogs with care, attention, and socialization while they’re at work or otherwise busy. Our highly skilled veterinary technicians are available at all times to care for emergencies or illnesses that may arise.

All of our doggy day care and dog boarding areas are climate-controlled for your dog’s comfort. Your dog will enjoy frequent walks, private playtime with our staff, or group playtime with the other dogs being boarded. Each doggy day care guest is evaluated prior to enrolling in our services to ensure that they are vaccinated, healthy, and friendly with other dogs.

We provide doggy day care services from the morning to the evening, including on weekends. We also offer a number of discounted doggy day care packages, so you’re sure to find one that fits your budget. We have satisfied, happy customers because we take pride in creating a safe, clean, and comfortable environment for dogs and dog owners.

At Dr. Dave's Doggy Daycare in Campbell, CA, a cute dog is running and playing with a stick