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Dog Boarding Prices

Vaccines required for Dogs: DHLPP, Bordatella, Rabies, & K9 Influenza

1 Dog 2 Dogs 3 Dogs
One Night $83/night $78/dog $73 (per dog)
20 Night Package $1460 ($73.00/night) $1420/dog ($71/dog/night) $1430 ($68/dog/night) – 21 Nights
30 Night Package $1800 ($60/night) $1740 ($58/dog/night) $1650 ($55.00/dog/night)

Exclusively available at our Campbell location!
Please call our Campbell location for rates for 3+ dogs


Holidays & Rates

If your pet is staying with us during the holidays there will be an additional charge of $30.00 for the stay on the holiday night (New Years, President’s Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas). We thank you and appreciate your business.

Learn More About the Cost to Board a Dog at Dr. Dave’s

If you’re going on a vacation and cannot take your dog with you, Dr. Dave’s Doggy Daycare, Boarding & Grooming offers dog boarding services at our Campbell, CA facility. Why settle for an average kennel when your pet can enjoy open play areas, freedom, and personalized attention from our caring staff? All dogs staying with us must be current on the following vaccinations: DHLPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parainfluenza, and Parvovirus), Bordetella, Rabies, and Canine Influenza to ensure the safety of all our guests. If you have multiple pets or you require multiple overnights, be sure to ask about our special packages!

What’s Included in Dr. Dave’s Dog Boarding Packages?

At Dr. Dave’s Doggy Daycare, Boarding & Grooming, we ensure the comfort of every guest. Our entire dog boarding facility is climate-controlled with qualified staff on duty 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Through our affiliation with Reed Animal Hospital, we also have a certified veterinarian available 24/7 to administer care to your dog during their stay with us. Daily housekeeping is provided to ensure cleanliness, so our boarding accommodations remain a sanitary, odor-free environment. You can expect your pet to receive the following when you book a dog boarding package with us:

  • Daily Walks – Exercise is essential for your pet’s health and well-being, so we provide up to four walks per day for our canine guests.
  • Plentiful Playtime – We have open play areas in which your dog will have a ball playing and socializing with other dogs, as well as our staff.
  • Extra Care – If your dog has a special diet or takes medications, we can take care of this at no additional charge. Our staff can administer oral and topical medications.
  • Exclusive Feline Areas – We board cats at Reed Animal Hospital, so there’s no added stress caused by mixing cats and dogs in the same boarding facilities.

Available Dog Boarding Rates and Packages

Available exclusively at our Campbell location, our dog boarding rates are customizable to fit your needs. You can opt for one of our package deals if you know you’ll be away multiple weeks out of the year for additional savings. Please contact us directly for dog boarding rates if you have more than three dogs requiring our care. Our dog boarding rates and packages include:

  • One Night – $76/night for one dog, $71/dog for two dogs, or $67/dog for three dogs
  • 20-Night Package – $1350 ($67.50/night) for one dog, $1300/dog ($65/dog/night) for two dogs, or $1,300 ($61/dog/night) for three dogs (21 – Nights)
  • 30-Night Package – $1,605 ($55/night) for one dog, $1,600/dog ($53/dog/night) for two dogs, or $1,550 ($51/dog/night) for three dogs

Get Doggy Daycare Overnight Prices and More from Dr. Dave’s

Do you have additional questions about our doggy daycare prices overnight in Campbell, CA? Contact Dr. Dave’s Doggy Daycare, Boarding & Grooming to make arrangements for your furry friends today!

We Treat Your Pet as if They Were Our Own!