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Doggy Daycare Fun in Saratoga

If there’s one thing the people of Saratoga love more than beautiful weather, it’s their four-legged family members. As locals head off for work or vacation, it’s common to leave pets at home or in the care of trusted family or friends. If you want your dog to receive a higher quality of care and fun while you’re gone, however, doggy day care is the way to go!

Take a look at what a day in the life of a Saratoga pup looks like at Dr. Dave’s Daycare, Boarding & Grooming.

Three dogs looking up at the camera at a doggy daycare center in San Jose, Cupertino

Check-In and Morning Fun

As soon as our canine friends arrive in the morning, our daycare attendants check in each dog for the desired amount of time (either a full or half day of daycare). When this short administrative task is complete, our guests are brought back into the group play area where they can socialize and play safely with other dogs of their same temperament and size range.

At Dr. Dave’s Daycare, Boarding & Grooming, we know the most important thing to any dog is the chance to play for hours on end. That’s why all of our canine visitors are allowed to play games, romp around and chew on toys all day long! If the weather is nice enough, our staff will also let the dogs outside to enjoy some fresh air and sunshine. We also make sure that every playtime session is closely monitored so that every dog stays safe and happy.

During this time, each dog is also taken on an individual walk outside and given special attention and love from the dog handler. This allows the dog to have some time on its own with humans and enjoy stretching his or her legs outside of the day care building.

dog ready to play

Lunch and Afternoon Playtime

Around lunchtime, any dogs who came in with their own special lunch or treats are given time alone outside of the dog daycare to have a meal and relax a bit before returning to the play area. Once they’ve finished eating, it’s back to the group for more fun and games with the dog handlers and other dogs!

After more playtime with the group and love and affection from the staff, each dog is taken for his or her second walk of the day, lasting around 5-10 minutes total. After this second walk outside the daycare, full-day guests return to the group for still more play and socialization. Our caring daycare attendants then say their goodbyes to half-day guests and sends them home with their humans.

Give Rover the Best in Dog Daycare at Dr. Dave’s Daycare, Boarding & Grooming

If you live in the Saratoga area and are looking for a reliable, knowledgeable pet hotel or doggy day care, look no further than Dr. Dave’s Daycare, Boarding & Grooming. Contact us today to learn more about how our professional pet daycare can work for you.

We Treat Your Pet as if They Were Our Own!